Laithwaites hk. . Laithwaites hk

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到樂事會官網2. See more of Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 on Facebook【有獎遊戲 - 第一回 】 新年送大禮!樂事會將送出5支人氣「SelvaRey 白冧酒 - 周杰倫簽名限量版禮盒」(價值$399),與廣大粉絲一同歡慶新的一年! 立即完成以下4個步驟啦: 1️⃣Like 我哋「Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會」. We’ve travelled from Bolton to Bordeaux to Barossa and everywhere in between since 1969. 【歡慶3. Domain Registrar Nominet UK Domain Length 17 Domain. Laithwaites No. It is privately owned and still. 10% Off on Your Laithwaites Direct Wines HK First Order. C20% Off with Code. 【21世紀最受讚譽的酒莊出品】【90高分Pinot Noir】 【100%退款保證】【免費送貨】 四度獲選「智利年度最佳酒莊」、被稱為「21世紀最受讚譽的酒莊」、擁有「年度最佳釀酒師大獎」釀酒宗師坐陣的神級酒莊,正是我們今天要為您介紹的Viña Casa Silva!在眾多美譽背後,是釀酒師René. See more of Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 on Facebook【 歡慶國際Cabernet Sauvignon日】 6款精選Cabernet Sauvignon酒款,一次品嘗不同地區風味! 免費送金牌及93高分的Mendoza Cabernet Malbec混釀! Cabernet. . 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。 Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must. Country; Argentina; Australia; Chile; France; Germany; Italy; New Zealand; Portugal; Spain; Region; Bordeaux;. Yeni hesab yarat. Wines Special Promotion Offer. | We’re. Wine, Beer & Spirits Store. Manage your wine club subscription to customize your wine club cases for your perfect varieties. 【 爸爸可否不要老 】 今年父親節 ,樂事會精選咗呢款Chateau Ramage La Batisse 2009 Magnum裝葡萄酒比你送比爸爸,寓意青春常註 。 點解?因為酒樽越大,樽入面嘅空氣比例就越細,所以大樽裝嘅葡萄酒 老化速度更慢,令到支酒保存得更好 。【 歡慶新網站登場-免費酒款更新 】 即日起至5月19日,連續四個星期,於新官網購買任何6支(750ml)或以上酒款,即可獲贈 免費酒款1支。免費酒款將會每周四更新,記得follow 我地FB獲得最新資訊!【 珍稀紐西蘭北島Sauvignon Blanc,震撼您的味蕾】 紐西蘭第三大產區呈獻,清爽夏日白酒54折! 壟再送絕美德國Mosel Riesling,品嘗甜美馥郁的精緻口感!Laithwaites Wine Hong Kong x 東方日報 浪漫中秋獻禮 得獎法國佳釀優惠 樂事會誠摯推出3⃣組佳節共賞酒選 超值優惠加上獨家好禮 與家人一同品味精美淬鍊的精華 享受宛若 明月般溫柔深刻的饗宴 細細品嘗磊金牌滋味的法國美酒組合 漫步地中海風土孕育的 窖藏珍釀. For every "Love Soup and Rice Box" that Laithwaites Direct Wines plus donates, Yi Shan Asia Charity will match it. Laithwaites. 【 全新每日派送服務】 樂事會除了為您帶來全球頂尖佳釀外,也致力於提供您最完美的服務體驗。因此由即日起我們將提供每日送貨服務(星期一至星期六)*;送貨時間亦延長至晚上8時(星期一至星期五)及晚上6時(星期六)。公眾假期除外。 *東涌、赤鱲角、西貢、清水灣、馬灣及愉景灣暫時. 歡慶Riesling Day:全球經典產區大集合! 58折優惠,節省高達$1,020 免費送英國原裝白酒杯一對 ⏱超值加購獎盃得主Riesling Brut Sekt 樂事會為了同大家一同迎接3月13日的世界Riesling日,今日特別帶來一組世界嚴選精品Riesling,邀您一同酒訪世界知名酒鄉,齊為頂尖的Riesling舉杯慶賀!今日訂購,您除了可獲. Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會. It is simply, utterly, indescribably fantastic. 【 中秋三日特惠Day3:重量級Shiraz濃酒鉅獻!】 六款全球精選Shiraz限時53折優惠! 免費加送The Black Stump及酒杯乙對 (總值$469)!【 加入樂事會Confrère VIP合夥人計畫 專享尊貴權益】 優惠價預訂12支四年內奪得9面金牌的Château de Colombe VIP 折扣優惠及禮遇 試酒會早鳥邀請 親身參觀Colombe酒莊及參與釀酒師私人試酒會 我們誠意邀請您參加我們樂事會的Confrère VIP合夥人計畫,讓您可以同時享有旗下酒莊及美酒! Château de. . 71 / bottle for 14 bottles 1 case 3 ; 2; 1; Add to Cart Add to Favourites Learn More Case contents Opens a new window. It’s Christmas in July! Get a head start on the holidays—preorder an Advent Calendar now. Laithwaites. Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 Yesterday at 2:13 AM 【 ☀️ 夏日優惠】免費贈送驚喜酒款 😮 唔想框住自己,想要啲新鮮感?【香港Gold磊 Gold磊 Gold磊】 每位金牌得主的背後都有一個艱辛奮鬥的故事; 每款金牌美酒的背後也有一段優秀動人的歷史! 慶祝奧運金牌佳釀組12支,再免費多送3支及英國Dartington Crystal酒杯乙對 網上訂購 *查詢詳情請Whatsapp 6228 4043或致電8120 3826 #免費送貨. . 750. Direct Wines Taiwan 樂事會. The offer ends soon if you don't grab the chance. com. Laithwaites has a rating of 1. a是阿根廷最重要的產區之一,獨特的高海拔風土調節了南美洲的炎熱氣候,令果實能夠緩緩完美成熟。 今日介紹的酒款由偉大釀酒師Hervé Fabre精選海拔高達1,400米的Malbec葡萄釀造,完美展現. Join us on our wine adventure. This one is typical: “When my time comes to shuffle off this mortal coil, this is the wine I want in that final glass. We’ve been exploring the world on a mission to find great wine for the last 50 years. Create new account. London. 03 km) Restaurant Le Tertre (6. 4. Has more than 50 years of experience in wine franchise and a strong team of wine consultants, including the award-winning honorary. 4. Tapping into the spirit of fun and adventure at the heart of the. 2019 Bottle (750ml) Chateau La Clariere 2019, Castillon Cotes de Bordeaux AOC, France, 750. 【 召集喜愛Burgundy白酒的您】 為您介紹一款罕有而具特色的L'Etrangère Aligoté 2020吧!由 法國家族式酒莊釀造,使用鄰近於Meursault產區的頂尖葡萄,帶有濃郁細膩的 檸檬香氣,搭上如忌廉般柔潤的口感 ── 但驚喜的是這並不是Chardonnay,而是用極具特色的Aligoté釀製!今日訂購12支只需$1,888 (原價 $2,988Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會, Hong Kong. 74 stars from 175 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. . United States, Switzerland, Germany, India, Hong Kong and Taiwan, with more locations on their way. WHITE WINES. 【 聖誕特惠Day2:聖誕餐桌必備Haut Médoc奢華酒組】 酒皇Robert Parker盛讚佳釀激減$2,700! 免費贈送精美醒酒器,價值$580! 75折限時加購金獎法國香檳! 波爾多是法國葡萄酒的心臟¬,而Haut Médoc則是波爾多葡萄酒的心臟,無數列級酒莊星羅棋布,是酒迷絕對不會錯過的頂尖產區。今日為您獻上來自. Code. Wine, Beer & Spirits Store. 32 km) Le Melchior (7. Laithwaites Direct Wines is part of the Laithwaites Wine group, started by wine merchant Tony Laithwaite 1969 when he drove a small. Enoteca Wine Shop Hong Kong. 6折。將鼠標滾到頁面下方閲讀關於Laithwaites Direct Wines HK的常見問題。若要領取更多折扣碼,請前往directwines. inc. To create an exquisite design and to maintain Laithwaite’s position as a prestige brand for quality consumer goods, we combined a matching color scheme with key visuals to uphold the brand image. To craft an engaging design to promote Laithwaites’ assortment of wines. Our international partners include. 世界最大獨立葡萄酒商之一,50年物色優質的葡萄酒經驗 One of the world’s largest independent wine merchants with over 50 years of success. 00 ml. To create an exquisite design and to maintain Laithwaite’s position as a prestige brand for quality consumer goods, we combined a matching color scheme with key visuals to uphold the brand image. Our editors research hundreds of sale items each day to find the best coupons on Laithwaites Wine on the internet. 【 中秋三日特惠Day2:雙金Médoc中級酒莊57折優惠!】 限時優惠,節省高達$1,460 免費送St-Émilion Montagne金獎佳釀及優雅酒壺 (總值$619) 世界葡萄酒產區為數眾多,但頂尖產區則寥寥可數,位於法國波爾多的Médoc正是其中一員,更可說是頂尖中的頂尖,許多無人不知的波爾多列級酒莊便位於此。中秋. Copy and paste this code at checkout. 【#居家酒吧 開張囉】 享受一下違法的滋味吧! 今日特推: Old Bakery Gin 英倫獨立氈酒品牌 現在優惠中 今日這款Old Bakery Gin來自百年前非法釀酒廠的秘密食譜,這款 #氈酒 的創辦人Lan Puddick買下了老舊的烘焙坊,在拆除的過程中,意外地發現隱身其中、非法經營的. 【 抗疫方案】宅在家喝酒吧! 樂事會為您嚴選多組適合 #居家飲酒 的超值套裝 國際大獎、專家酒評肯定 輕鬆搞定品酒小酌或搭餐享味的時刻 附有精美的酒杯或醒酒器 免費送貨到府 葡萄酒100%滿意保證 優惠低至36折,再享多款贈品好禮(最高價值逾$1,200)!. 464 uses today. 0% ABV. Laithwaites Direct Wines is one of the world's largest home-delivery wine merchants. Up to 50% Off Your Shipments. . 220 views, 8 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 4 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會: 樂事會 SUMMER SALE 開跑喇 / ️ 夏日目錄 優惠亮點一次看 小編推介 超級必買組:. RP高分老藤精釀 $999 4. Enoteca Wine Shop Hong Kong. Some products not available online. Coupon code not required for this deal. 1 bestselling red. 【55折優惠兼送免費酒款!今天就來開箱全新Coonawarra珍釀!】 【100%退款保證】【免費送貨】 紅頭工作室(RedHeads)是澳洲的獨立釀酒工作室,眾多年輕釀酒師們在其中發揮創意,打造一款又一款與眾不同的佳釀。這款全新到港的兩金得主酒款採用在Coonawarra產區的成熟Cabernet. 【有獎遊戲 - 第二回 】 新年送大禮又黎喇!樂事會將送出5支人氣「SelvaRey 朱古力冧酒 - 周杰倫簽名限量版禮盒」(價值$489),與廣大粉絲一同歡慶金牛年! 立即完成以下4個步驟啦: 1️⃣Like 我哋「Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會」. Email or phone: Password: Forgot account? Sign Up22K views, 21 likes, 3 loves, 0 comments, 15 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會: 【周董陪你迎接2021】 驚喜一浪接一浪!送上 周杰倫 Jay Chou 的新年祝福,陪伴大家迎接最期待的2021到. . We use this knowledge to find the very best permanent and interim talent for our clients. ‍♀️ Save $38 upon spending $380, today only】Happy Pinot Noir Day 2022 為一些世界上最好、最昂貴的紅酒(仲有白酒!)背後的紅葡萄品種飲杯! 你知道嗎,Pinot Noir是Burgundy和香檳的主要紅葡萄品種!今晚就一齊品飲Pinot Noir慶祝吧! Cheers to the red grape variety behind some of the world’s finest and. The remaining 5% of business is in Australia, Hong Kong, Germany and Switzerland. 2 billion of assets under management as of March 31, 2023, on behalf of over 1,900 institutional clients and private investors worldwide across a range of credit and real estate, private equity and permanent capital. 2,511 likes · 40 talking about this. am730 X Laithwaites Wine Hong Kong 春日醉美時光 IWC 2017「最佳網路酒商」樂事會邀您賞味春日美酒,誠摯獻上三組特惠套裝:歐風金牌珍釀套裝、頂級波爾多名釀套裝,與世界經典粉紅酒套裝,每一組皆免費加贈精美贈品,最高節省$2,356,邀您一同品味佳釀,享用浪漫醉人的春季饗宴。 精彩優惠不容錯過壟. is a Michigan licensed retailer who is able to accept, fulfill, and ship your order for wine in the state of Michigan. Objectives. . If you have Qs, chat with our Personal Wine Advisors. 13. com X Laithwaites Wine Hong Kong 初夏味蕾饗宴 炎炎夏季,樂事會邀您品嘗醉人美酒 讓您盡情徜徉在陣陣酒海的芳醇回甘之中 隆重獻上三組特惠套裝 每組皆免費贈送精美禮品 最高節省$2,356,精彩優惠不容錯過壟 現在就快點我選購 ️. 【一級酒莊頂級神秘白酒全新抵港,超值39折!】 【100%退款保證】【免費送貨】 樂事會成立已逾五十餘年,在世界各地皆有專業買手,他們有豐富人脈並與各頂尖產區的酒莊感情深厚,所以總能第一時間掌握獨家優質酒款。今日這款Sauvignon白酒就是最好證明:當波爾多某個一級酒莊發現自己手上. Solutions. 30% Off Your Order + Free Shipping. 主席年度推介酒組,重磅登場! 六款創辦人親自欽點的酒 - 6折優惠 再送您樂事會自家酒莊VIP酒款Château de Colombe 2018 快到一年的尾聲,在11月的感恩節與12月的聖誕節後,馬上就要迎來2022的跨年鐘聲了!每年歲末之時,樂事會創辦人Tony Laithwaite. In the UK, half to two-thirds of business is continuity: people who take a case a quarter, with a cost of £75–79 a time. 【 智利頂尖產區Pinot Noir限量登場】 四度獲選年度最佳酒莊,精品珍釀低於五折呈獻 Tim Atkins欽點2020年度最佳釀酒師匠心精製 Colchagua Valley高海拔莊園完美成熟果實釀造 行家都知道,智利最優質的酒款多半來自其Colchagua Valley產區,今天推介的Viña Casa Silva亦是此處精品酒莊中的一員。它已四度被The. Wine Dock Co. K Group Wine. 56 1 12; 6; 5; 4; 3; 2; 1; Add to Cart Add to Favourites Wine File:. Choose from over 1200 wines, champagne, whisky and gifts delivered direct to your door with. | Laithwaites Direct Wines - one of the world's largest home-delivery wine merchants. 【 歡慶新網站登場-免費酒款更新 】 即日起至5月19日,連續四個星期,於新官網購買任何6支(750ml)或以上酒款,即可獲贈 免費酒款1支。免費酒款將會每周四更新,記得follow 我地FB獲得最新資訊!【 消費券獨家優惠】 【100%退款保證】【免費送貨】 以支付寶(香港)或微信支付單次消費滿$1,000即可獲贈2支意大利Il Brutto Negroamaro Primitivo 2018 (價值$338)! 簡單2步驟即可領取免費禮品 1. 162 uses today. After a crazy week of work, Chinese New Year Holiday is finally coming! Our employees are looking forward to celebrating as excited as you are! 忙碌了一整周,農曆新春假期終於要到了! 樂事會的員工也和您一樣期待! So, here come the. plus FREE glasses & Pol Roger add-on deal 優先預購 超人氣2021聖誕美酒倒數月曆 早鳥優惠至9月30日】 24日不同酒款,天天有驚喜 精美禮盒包裝,有得玩又有得飲 免費送貨. Laithwaites is one of the longest-running wine clubs that we’ve covered so it’s got an enviable network of top-tier producers from every corner of the globe at its fingertips. Laithwaites Direct Wines - Business Information. Laithwaites Wine Hong Kong x The Club 【以逾半價優惠購買樂事會葡萄酒,還能賺取600 Club積分及免費紅酒!】 點開線上目錄 即享. But you have to be out. # OrderNow 👉 # Call 8120 3826 # Laithwaites # DirectWinesHongKong #100%MoneyBackGuarantee. Entry is open to residents of Hong Kong except employees. Thank you for choosing Wine Dock's Laithwaites site. Welcome to Laithwaite’s Wine, the UK’s No. . Up to 40% off white. 33 – Justice felt it was mediocre, but the rest felt it had a wonderfully nice character, and the long aftertaste that stays with. Offer ends 2023-04-05. 終於都黎到weekend喇,大家安排好節目未呢?唔好唔記得帶埋我哋的 RedHeads Dan'Jango 2019,佢帶濃郁黑莓、甘草及煙燻風味,仲獲得磊三面金牌添! 宜家連同其他RedHeads金牌美酒訂購,仲額外免費送多一支!立即落單. Laithwaites Direct Wines is part of the Laithwaites Wine group, started by wine merchant Tony Laithwaite 1969 when he drove a small van of Bordeaux from Saint-Emilion to sell from a railway arch in Windsor. 13 Units. Buy wine online from Laithwaites Wine, the UK's No. . Laithwaites Direct Wines-HK is part of the Laithwaites Wine group started by wine merchant Tony Laithwaite in 1969. Wine, Beer & Spirits Store. Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 August 4 at 12:16 AM 🎉 樂事會粉絲注意,今次我哋推出深受酒迷喜愛的【粉絲最愛超人氣酒選】以饗知音!Buy Wine Online | Red Wine and White Wine by the Case or Bottle - Laithwaites Wine . Use $50 Off The Grand Tour of Italy Dozen Wine to shop the best deals from Laithwaites Wine. Видите још о Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 на Фејсбуку. 【 夏日清貨優惠】 多款暢銷Bin End酒組任您選擇,最高享47折 少量存貨,機會難逢. Restaurants near Château la Clarière Laithwaite: (3. Log in here. Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 Yesterday at 10:25 PM 【品美酒•做善事】 【Day 4大特惠:James Suckling 90+高分紅酒】【加送精美醒酒器】 【100%退款保證】【免費送貨. 10% OFF. 由即日至7月31日,凡購買任何6支或以上750ml紅白酒選, 🎁 即送你一支神秘酒款!. Choose from 1,200 wines, spirits and gifts – with delivery direct to your door【 買定美酒迎接Long Weekend】 12支暢銷頂尖紅白酒,每支只需$99! 免費送意大利金獎Prosecco (價值$159)! 下星期便是期待已久的長周末假期,準備好美酒盡興了嗎?今次我們為您精選12款深受酒迷喜愛的暢銷紅白酒款! 白酒方面,包括來自法國Alsace的優雅Riesling及討喜可人的的. HK$175. Offering rapid delivery, award-winning service and – most. Welcome to Laithwaites Direct Wines support Below are answers to the most common questions from customers. Under the law of Hong Kong,. 2星好評Mendoza佳釀,35箱限量登場!】 【100%退款保證】【星期一至六免費送貨】 Mendoz. Used 9 Times. Thank you for choosing Wine Dock's Laithwaites site. Founded in 1998, Fortress manages $44. . 02 km) Logis de la Cadene; View all restaurants near Château la Clarière Laithwaite on TripadvisorUnder HK$100; HK$100 - HK$200; HK$200 - HK$350; Over HK$350; SHOP ALL RED WINES. HK Agency Licence Number 69216. Laithwaites ranks 105th among Wine sites. Enoteca Wine Shop Hong Kong. Sip & Share Your Thoughts. Forgot account? or. Prijavi se. France is the headquarters of Laithwaites’ winemaking and not the only winery we are actively involved with - We don't just buy. ایمیل یا تلفن: گذرواژه: حساب را فراموش کرده‌اید؟ نام‌‌نویسی. See more of Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 on FacebookSee more of Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 on Facebook 母親節到了 #免費送您及母親大人2支粉紅氣泡酒 / 樂事會寵愛媽咪無極限!我們特別準備咗2支 西班牙超人氣粉紅氣泡酒壟 Hacienda de Lluna Moscatel Rosado 2018,等您同媽咪一齊享用。簡單完成以下三個步驟,您就有機會用美味好好孝敬母親大人 1⃣ 讚好 我哋 Laithwaites Wine Hong Kong Facebook page 2⃣. 31 December, 2023. Design: LOVELocation: United KingdomProject Type: ProducedClient: LaithwaitesProduct Launch Location: GlobalPackaging Contents: Wine Laithwaites, the UK’s original home-delivery wine retailer, has a new brand identity designed by Manchester creative agency LOVE. In the 1970s, he was the first UK merchant to source bottled wine from Languedoc-Rousillon (southern France), and Cabernet from Bulgaria. They say 3-5 business days, its been. is a Michigan licensed retailer who is able to accept, fulfill, and ship your order for wine in the state of Michigan. . Go to shop. 世界最大獨立葡萄酒商之一,50年物色優質的葡萄酒經驗 One of. Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 Today at 12:16 AM 🎉 樂事會粉絲注意,今次我哋推出深受酒迷喜愛的【粉絲最愛超人氣酒選】以饗知音!Tony Laithwaite's Top Selection 樂事會創辦人Tony Laithwaite精選推介套裝 Today, you are invited to taste a collection of… Hand. . Вино/жестока пића. cc 東網/東方日報優惠 1. Kutjevo winery in Croatia’s Slavonia was founded by Cistercian monks in 1232. 52 in the last 2023 years. Today, Laithwaites Wine offers 1,500 wines — of which 95. . . Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 July 29 at 2:42 AM ☀️ 夏天嘅活動少不了白酒,無論係去沙灘、遊船河或開Party,飲返杯冰涼的白酒簡直係一大樂事!Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 August 4 at 12:16 AM 🎉 樂事會粉絲注意,今次我哋推出深受酒迷喜愛的【粉絲最愛超人氣酒選】以饗知音!Active. . . Related Pages. Executive Interim. 94 km) L'Huitrier-Pie - Camille & Soufiane (7. 0 Units. Wine, Beer & Spirits Store. . Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會. Laithwaites Direct Wines package offer (the “Offer”) is only available to the client of DBS Treasures (DBS Treasures customer) (the “Customer”) of DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (“Bank”, which expression includes its successors and assigns) 2. . SAVE HK$286. Laithwaites Wine | 6,142 followers on LinkedIn. A tie-in with The Wall Street Journal has been successful, and now Laithwaites operate in 37 US states with a turnover of $100 million. Solutions. Publicly Available Data About The Domain. 五味真火 Five Fire Flavour. Şərab, pivə və spirtli içkilər mağazası. 【 免費送!免費送!驚喜霞多麗白酒】 FREE Mystery Chardonnay GIVEAWAY!! (EN texts below) 樂事會慶祝2020 #國際霞多麗日 今天起至5月22日中午12:00止 ‼️網站消費滿$800並輸入優惠代碼521CHARDAY,即「免費贈送」一支「驚喜」霞多麗白酒‼️ ⚡️一日限定 快閃優惠 稍縱即逝⚡️趕快行動! Oh別忘了. 【暢享全球Sauvignon Blanc,每支不用$100!】 【100%退款保證】【免費送貨】 在紐西蘭白酒席捲全球的影響下,Sauvignon Blanc已成為全球最受歡迎的白酒品種之一。芬芳的熱帶水果香氣、清脆爽口的酸度,深獲全球酒迷的熱愛。本次為您精選全球六大Sauvignon Blanc優質產區,讓您一次過享受不同風土孕育的. Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 updated their cover photo. . 5% ABV. Laithwaites Direct Wines - one of the world's largest home-delivery wine merchants. Pogledajte još sadržaja sa stranice Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 na Facebooku. delivery service will be suspended today. Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 | 2 followers on LinkedIn. Director | Hong Kong Richard Buckingham Partner | LondonLaithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會. Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 Today at 9:37 PM 【新年聚餐必備90+高分酒】 🎁 送英國Dartington Crystal酒杯乙對 ‼️ 加購第2箱只需$499 💰 100%退款保證. 2,244 likes · 42 talking about this. 發現11條Laithwaites Direct Wines HK折扣碼,可爲您平均節省7. It just goes in really nicely – not a flat tasteless way either, a bit creamy. Direct Wines Taiwan 樂事會. 8國際婦女節 🙎🏻‍♀️ 消費滿$380,即再折減$38,只限今天】 【3. Location: Largo, Florida, USA. Localiiz is every Hongkonger’s destination for how to live a well-rounded life in our vibrant city. Msquare Wine. Laithwaites Direct Wines is one of the world's largest independent wine merchants, providing more than 70,000,000 bottles of wine to countries around the world each year, equivalent to 6 million cases. 世界最大獨立葡萄酒商之一,50年物色優質的葡萄酒經驗 One of the world’sLaithwaites Direct Wines 樂事會 Groceries & Wine Online Suite 1201, Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan +852 8120. 【DAY 5|第五日】Pinot Noir 限時搶購特惠由此去: Pinot Noir如何讓世界為之著迷 Pinot Noir是葡萄中的貴族,是如此地嬌貴、難以照料、難以釀造,身價高昂。但當它受到全心挹注及妥善照料後,能綻放無與倫比的耀眼色彩;柔美、纖細、豐富的層次總能立刻迷惑飲用者,並驕傲的宣示. If you need any further assistance, you can contact us by:. All Wines Sauvignon Blanc Laithwaites Sauvignon Blanc 2019. Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 Yesterday at 8:21 PM 因受8號風球影響,今日送貨服務將暫停,不便之處,敬請原諒 🙇🏼‍♀️ Due to Typhoon Signal No. 2. 1. 【第19日】樂事會嘅暢銷南法紅酒,係五個年份攞咗12個大獎! 【Day 19】Our bestselling southern French red, boasting 12 medals in five vintages! #adventcalendar #Christmas #surprisewine 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。. Objectives. They annually deliver wine to around 1,000,000 customers internationally in Australia, United States, Switzerland, Germany, India, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, with many other locations. 98 views, 2 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會: 還記得這支 #英國皇室用來接待 Donald Trump的氣泡酒 嗎? Windsor Great Park Vineyard. Find 830 available products listed on wine-searcher. Hong Kong Coupon & Promo Codes. Executive Search. See more of Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 on Facebook【薑是老的辣:談味覺與生理年齡】 照顧過小Baby的人都知道,要為嬰兒帶上口水肩,應付他不知從哪冒出來、泊泊而出的口水。隨著年紀漸長,唾液的分泌量會越來越少,而唾液中的多種分解酶的比例相對提高。因此在西班牙的實驗中,55歲以上的年長組飲者對於葡萄酒中如煙燻、胡椒等香氣的. 【法式美酒慶典Day 3:金牌隆河美酒及時尚普羅旺斯粉紅酒登場!】 【100%退款保證】【免費送貨】 來到法式慶典第三日,我們為您獻上來自隆河及南法Languedoc的紅酒組合,及Provence的粉紅酒組合,讓您以低至52折優惠繼續踏上法式品酒之旅!三組酒選都能帶您體驗法國南部的明媚陽光,給您獨特而. 法國經典頂級名釀套裝 $1499 3. 9. Great deals on the best reds, whites and rosé for sunny days, BBQs and garden parties. Log In. View in google maps +44 207 151 5151 . 00 ml. Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 Yesterday at 2:52 AM 【 🏆 意大利醇釀 限時優惠 - 每支$84起】 🎖 意大利教父級酒評家Luca Maroni 給予95高分 ‼【 感謝祭 27/9限定優惠】 【環球90+高分名酒組】 最星光燦爛的完美佳釀駕到!若您想選擇適合盛大開瓶慶祝的酒款,絕對不能錯過今日限定的套裝!嚴選全球一流的頂級風土孕育、精緻型酒莊醉心出品,這些絕美出色的酒款,每款皆獲專家評審給予90分以上的高分肯定。現在訂購6支,只需$948──請. Daxil ol. This discount code 'SHCB2023' cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, cannot be redeemed for cash and is non-transferable. Wines Special Promotion Offer. . £30 Off. 12 / bottle when you Mix 12 or more. Email Tom Pemberton Partner. 1 destination for buying wine online. Laithwaites Direct Wines is part of the Laithwaites Wine group, started by wine merchant Tony Laithwaite 1969 when he drove a small van of Bordeaux from Saint-Emilion to sell from a railway arch. Laithwaites Wine | 6,142 followers on LinkedIn. New customers get £100 off with this Laithwaites introductory offer. 8, the. View Sale. 31 December, 2022. £100 Off. More shipping info. ☀ 關於光害 ☀ 小編喺屋企有個小小嘅位置用嚟擺放一些日常飲用酒款,某日提早收工,開開心心返到屋企竟然見到令人震驚嘅一幕!就係西斜嘅陽光由窗簾側邊曬住酒架同上面嘅酒! 當時嘅心情就好似出門後先醒起唔記得戴口罩!嚇到小編即刻執過啲位置,然後盡快解決所有酒。 ⚡愛酒人通常都. The discount code 'SHCB2023' can only be claimed when the purchase amount is HK$1,200 or above on the Laithwaites Direct Wines website 3. 【新酒抵港!Vivino 4. Monkish noses always could sniff out top vineyard sites (just look at Burgundy) and as soon as they arrived at Kutjevo they started planting vines. Email Martha Harvey-Jones Partner. | 8120 3826【 90+高分酒款五日優惠Day 4:西班牙珍稀產區明星紅酒】 珍稀產區Extremadura明星酒,每支要需$83! 再送高分阿根廷Malbec乙支! 《品醇客》90高分南非白酒,限時$99超值加購! 西班牙與法國、意大利同樣有著悠久的釀酒歷史,獨特的風土條件與釀造特色廣受國際市場與酒評的喜愛,連葡萄酒大師Tim. فیس‌بوک. Code. cc 東網/東方日報 十二月,聖誕時刻 ,樹下堆滿了心願,枝枒裡藏著無盡思念,閃閃燈光更襯一杯醇厚酒液. 【 Lafite酒款驚艷登場,收藏家務必注意】 傑出2018年份世紀名莊非凡佳釀,價格卻非常平民 免費加送一支優質法國迷你香檳 葡萄酒的風味首重年份,尤其是在波爾多,知名酒評James Suckling曾經指出:「2018絕對是波爾多酒史上非凡超群的一年」。Jancis. Fortress Investment Group LLC is a leading, highly diversified global investment manager. 【 樂事會最暢銷系列登場】 Cabalié系列頂級新作,優惠低至45折 百年老藤打造濃郁風味 系列酒款獲超過5,000酒迷給予4. Reviewers complaining about Laithwaites most frequently mention customer service, credit card, and wine club problems. com. 2,365 likes · 40 talking about this. 00 ml. . . 【 金獎國際白酒選】 12支獎牌得主品質保證 拾每支平均只需$90 再額外送您兩款總值$489禮品 天氣逐漸回暖,雪櫃又點可以冇白酒儲備呢?今日我哋就帶來全系列榮獲金獎的白酒精選!嚴選自新舊世界:法國、意大利、西班牙、葡萄牙、紐西蘭等地,款款皆是金牌佳釀,當中'Salvatore' Trebbiano. 【56折擁有暢銷皇牌系列:The Black Stump】 【100%退款保證】【免費送貨】 澳洲是新世界葡萄酒的頂尖產區之一,以果香芬芳、口感濃郁的厚實酒款聞名於世,甜美風味不但令行家深深著迷,也是許多酒迷的入門酒款,今日推薦的樂事會皇牌──The Black Stump系列便是其中翹楚。您可嘗到採用以Shiraz及. Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 Yesterday at 11:00 PM 【 🚚 全新每日派送服務】 樂事會除了為您帶來全球頂尖佳釀外,也致力於提供您最完美的服務體驗。Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 Today at 2:42 AM ☀️ 夏天嘅活動少不了白酒,無論係去沙灘、遊船河或開Party,飲返杯冰涼的白酒簡直係一大樂事!【 Happy Hour優惠,節省高達$1,000】 精選全球6款超凡美酒,每支只需$99! 免費贈送價值$629型格酒架! It’s five o’clock somewhere!只要心情對了,不論何時都是輕鬆品酩的最好時機!為了讓您在忙碌的生活中得到喘息與偷閒的時光,我們特別為您帶來「Happy. Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 July 29 at 2:42 AM ☀️ 夏天嘅活動少不了白酒,無論係去沙灘、遊船河或開Party,飲返杯冰涼的白酒簡直係一大樂事!【 Get Ready - 連續六日葡萄品種探索之旅】 連續6日6款精選葡萄佳釀限時超值優惠 每日額外加送神秘酒款 葡萄酒首重風土、次重品種,凝聚土壤與氣候特色與品種生理特性的影響,交織出世界各地不同酒款的豐富特色。對於酒迷來說,以品種按圖索驥,是尋找自己喜愛酒款風格的捷徑之一。而比較. 99,013 likes · 176 talking about this · 37 were here. . Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 added a new photo to the album: SelvaRey. Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 June 16 at 10:25 PM 【15款暢銷佳釀自由搭配,每支低至$99】 【100%退款保證】【免費送貨】 迎接最陽光燦爛的季節,樂事會Mix & Match強勢回. . 榮獲「全球最佳長相思」的馬爾堡美酒 繼短短幾小時立刻完售的2017年份長相思!#最新年份2018 正式亮相,紐西蘭「#年度最佳酒莊」的頂尖實力與美味保證壟,再度獲得 #金獎 與 #雙金獎肯定…今天點擊 訂購,立即享有亮相優惠價,酒迷們行動要快 ! WORLD'S BEST SAUVIGNON from Marlborough. . . . To craft an engaging design to promote Laithwaites’ assortment of wines. Wine/spirits. Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 Yesterday at 2:49 AM 【 🐥 復活節限時$88折扣券 🎁 】 慶祝復活節長假期,給您送上驚喜彩蛋!Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 Yesterday at 7:25 PM 🍷 Happy Pinot Noir Day 2022 🍇 為一些世界上最好、最昂貴的紅酒(仲有白酒!)背後的紅葡萄品種飲杯!【 聖誕特惠Day3:環球精選美味白酒登場!】 6款精選暢銷白酒美味登場,讓您節省$1,000! 免費贈送型格冰桶,讓您享受清涼美酒! 54折加購加拿大甜美冰酒!Find the latest Laithwaites Wine coupons here at eDealinfo. . This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. $5 Off $35+ With Text Sign-up. . Chill. 香港經濟日報 hket. Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 səhifəsi haqqında daha çox məlumata bax. See Details. Localiiz Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 2020年度「樂事會主席珍藏」 2020 The Chairman’s Selection (EN texts below) 樂事會主席Tony Laithwaite每年都會選出當年最有印象、最喜歡嘅酒款,今年會是哪些酒雀屏中選呢?快來看看吧! 舊世界酒款 果實成熟飽滿、黑色莓果與香料氣息濃郁嘅南法Élan-Bise Syrah 2018. The regular customers of Laithwaites Wine have saved $23. See more of Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 on Facebook. Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 May 17 at 11:00 PM 【 🚚 全新每日派送服務】 樂事會除了為您帶來全球頂尖佳釀外,也致力於提供您最完美的服務體驗。樂事會粉絲注意,今次我哋推出深受酒迷喜愛的【粉絲最愛超人氣酒選】以饗知音! 12支紅白酒原價 $ 2,658,現只需$1,368,幫您慳 $1,290!再免費加送 3支意大利西西里島紅酒Donna Ninetta Nerello Mascalese 2020,及木製酒架禮盒乙個,贈品總值$677!另外仲有全紅酒組及全白酒組俾您揀,加上免費送貨及1 0 0 %. Direct Wines Taiwan 樂事會. com. 樂事會星座排名:最適合一起喝酒的星座 趕快來看看您平常一起喝酒的朋友, 有沒有在這個排名上吧! ♊ 雙子X天秤♎ 同為反應敏捷、重視聚會氣氛,長袖善舞的社交達人, 兩人聚在一起喝酒時簡直就是Youtuber開直播, 即使沒有觀眾,也盡力娛賓,完全不會偷工減料。 若有其他朋友共飲就更恐怖. Laithwaites. 唔想框住自己,想要啲新鮮感?. Equitable House, 47 King William Street, London, EC4R 9AF. . . Get coupon code “COUPON20” at Laithwaites Direct Wines HK. 每年歲末之時,樂事會創辦人Tony Laithwaite. 「半價」驚喜包|保證完售!/ 紅白、全紅、全白3種選擇 >> #每支83 #週五搶優惠 必買5大理由 ️嘗得到世界各大產區的好酒,及釀酒師的好手藝 ️總價值保證至少$2,000,品質超高,價格卻非常實惠 ️每次推出必迅速售罄,「半價」優惠更是不搶不可 ️現在下單,免費送貨到您家. Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 June 16 at 10:25 PM 【15款暢銷佳釀自由搭配,每支低至$99】 【100%退款保證】【免費送貨】 迎接最陽光燦爛的季節,樂事會Mix & Match強勢回. 【 Lafite酒款驚艷登場,收藏家務必注意】 傑出2018年份世紀名莊非凡佳釀,價格卻非常平民 免費加送一支優質法國迷你香檳 葡萄酒的風味首重年份,尤其是在波爾多,知名酒評James Suckling曾經指出:「2018絕對是波爾多酒史上非凡超群的一年」。Jancis. ”. Laithwaites Direct Wines is part of the Laithwaites Wine group, started by wine merchant Tony Laithwaite 1969. We leave the beaten track to find the unsung and unexpected,. . 【 歡度國際Merlot日】 六款頂尖Merlot,每支只需$90! 56折加購波爾多優質粉紅酒,100% Merlot釀造! 11月7日正是國際Merlot日!馥郁飽滿的果香、美妙的香料味、濃郁的朱古力香、令人垂涎三尺的口感、柔順且如絲綢般的單寧 ‧‧‧‧‧‧. See more of Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 on Facebook第二期消費券就快派發喇,仲計劃緊點用?樂事會誠意為您獻上 「樂事會禮券及美酒禮品套裝」優惠。即日起至2022年8月31日(星期三)中午12時止,只需$1,000即可獲得總值$1,708的輕奢特惠禮品套裝!您亦可選擇豪華特惠禮品套裝,只需$2,000便可帶走總值$4,074的禮品,讓您輕鬆翻倍,賺取超過$2,000. 🚚 免費送貨【香港頂級會員 獨享預購優惠】 出自鼎鼎大名的二級酒莊珍稀酒款 ⋯⋯ 2009/2010年份特釀曾獲Robert Parker「100分名酒」殊榮 您現在只需以每支$224的價格入手(原價每支$489) L'Epiphanie de St-Estèphe 2017 亮點一次看: 產自波爾多Médoc產區內最北邊的傳奇之地St-Estèphe,由當地唯二的頂級二級莊園一手打造. 06 km) Le Chaudron du Pere Marches (4. See more of Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 on Facebook【 中秋三日特惠Day2:雙金Médoc中級酒莊57折優惠!】 限時優惠,節省高達$1,460 免費送St-Émilion Montagne金獎佳釀及優雅酒壺 (總值$619). Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會 Yesterday at 7:10 PM 【 🌹 母親節送禮首選,優惠高達52折,加送粉紅酒】 【100%退款保證】【免費送貨】 母親節就到,當然要用最特別的禮物去寵愛您身邊的媽媽. . 啱晒中意試新嘢嘅你,可能令你一飲愛上. Expires: Aug 31, 2023. The cellar has now brought itself bang up to date with. Email James Lawrence-Brown Partner. . . Laithwaites wine offers for £30 off your first order. $ 35. 大獎推介歐洲嚴選套裝 $999 2. 又到Happy Friday喇!試下榮獲 7面金牌(包括兩個特金獎)的RedHeads Coco Rôtie 2019啦!RedHeads首席釀酒師 Alex用來自McLaren谷的老藤Shiraz混釀少許Viognier,創造出富豐厚芬芳香氣的紅酒。宜家連同其他RedHeads金牌美酒訂購,仲額外免費送多一支!立即落單 It’s Happy. Discount automatically applied in cart. Wine, Beer & Spirits Store. Kreiraj novi račun. Log In. Wine/spirits. | We’re wine nuts, pure and simple. 8 International Women’s Day 🙎🏻. HK$87. Enjoy 20% on Wine online. We’ve travelled from Bolton to Bordeaux to Barossa and everywhere in between since 1969. Expired. Pages Liked by This Page. . 【 買定美酒迎接Long Weekend】 12支暢銷頂尖紅白酒,每支只需$99! 免費送意大利金獎Prosecco (價值$159)! 下星期便是期待已久的長周末假期,準備好美酒盡興了嗎?今次我們為您精選12款深受酒迷喜愛的暢銷紅白酒款! 白酒方面,包括來自法國Alsace的優雅Riesling及討喜可人的的. 【 感謝祭 28/9限定優惠】 【Viña Altogrado 2019 6支 / 12支】 酒體飽滿的濃郁美酒,酒質十分柔滑,過往年份曾多次獲得西班牙葡萄酒指南Guía Peñín給予高分,本年份亦是不容小覷!濃厚的覆盆莓與黑醋栗果香,十分適合搭配燒烤料理享用。現在訂購6支只需$649──請即. 【 歡慶新網站登場-免費酒款更新 】 即日起至5月19日,連續四個星期,於新官網購買任何6支(750ml)或以上酒款,即可獲贈 免費酒款1支。免費酒款將會每周四更新,記得follow 我地FB獲得最新資訊!【 21世紀獲獎最多酒莊登場 誠意推薦Viña Casa Silva】 葡萄酒大師Tim Atkin欽點年度最佳釀酒師條作 精緻智利Sauvignon Blanc半價限時加購中 智利是全球著名產酒國之一,葡萄園多位於山區谷地,平均海拔較高,氣溫較低。獨特地理環境使得此處的葡萄得以緩慢而精緻地成熟,並擁有扎實的單寧與圓潤口感. 【 父親節豪華特選酒組登場】 三大經典波爾多酒組低至47折 Pauillac隱藏版珍釀不容錯過 隨酒組免費贈精美波爾多酒杯 父親節就快到了,您當然需要感動人心的精選禮物!因此樂事會特別獻上多款父親節禮物套裝,一定會讓爸爸們稱心滿意!酒組全數皆選自波爾多Médoc,凡訂購任何套裝即免費贈送. Vegetarian. 【Laithwaites Wine Hong Kong 低至半價享受葡萄佳釀兼每套賺600 Club積分及免費紅酒 #識食秘Club 】 趕走春天鬱悶嘅心情,可以選擇喺晚餐之後輕酌幾杯。The Club會員而家可以尊享樂事會Laithwaites Direct. Rate the wines in your first box so we can perfect our picks for your next one. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. 頭條日報 X Laithwaites Wine Hong Kong 春日微醺饗宴 春暖花開 到處都是燦爛可愛的櫻花 微醺美好的時分 配上美酒優雅品酩 在家就. Its huge membership enables its tasting team to travel far and wide to find the best wines for subscribers. . Get coupons at Laithwaites Direct Wines HK today. Laithwaites Wine Hong Kongx on. 10. 【 疫情對策】足不出戶也能喝! #專業精準的選酒團隊 擁有超過50年經驗的樂事會採購團隊,每年評鑑超過800家酒莊,由40,000種酒款中嚴選1,500或更少的酒款。 #免費送貨到府 送貨服務範圍包含 #香港 大部分地區。 100% #品質保證 無論任何原因,只要您對我們的酒款不滿意,我們將會退還尚未開瓶的. If you have any questions, please call us at. 13K views, 69 likes, 8 loves, 11 comments, 23 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Laithwaites Direct Wines Hong Kong 樂事會: 【地表最強聖誕節】 什麼?!今年聖誕節 周杰倫與你有約 廣大粉絲都來~快來聽聽來自 周杰倫 Jay Chou 的聖誕祝福 Merry. Expired. . Hesabını unutmusan? və ya. . Əlaqədar səhifələr. This year Britain’s biggest wine company is 40 years old. 20 June 2009 This is a longer version of an article also published in the Financial Times. . Not now. 【全港獨家⭐100%退款保證⭐】 樂事會Laithwaites Direct Wines是Laithwaites Wine酒業集團旗下品牌,1969年由主席 Tony Laithwaite在法國波爾多創立,當時他駕駛貨車將聖達美利安佳釀由波爾多引入倫敦,就在温莎的火車站開始銷售。Established in 1969, Laithwaites is built on the principle that, in wine, small is beautiful. . Hong Kong. 12. state_modal_message_1 state_modal_message_2. Direct Wines Taiwan 樂事會. Grab coupons at Laithwaites Direct Wines HK. 20% sales tax. 致電8120 3826落單 條款及細則: -. ili. 【SelvaRey Rum and “Philosophy”】 從SelvaRey誕生之初,就能感受其與當地環境密不可分的特性。SelvaRey選擇了多年前因經營不善而荒廢的甘蔗園重建酒莊,長期休耕與當地飽經山泉沖積的土壤富含礦物質,有利於甘蔗生長。並由當地生長的野生菠蘿進行釀造酵母的培育,以原料在地化的目標努力,釀造.